Saturday, August 25, 2012

Canada Part 2: The Farm

I always love going to the farm when we go to Canada. It's so beautiful and peaceful. We went to the farm twice during our trip. The first time to pick up grandma and grandpa's car to borrow and the second time to have dinner with Dexter and Donna and their family.

Some of the Wilde boys headed out to work.

The kids were all about going to see the horses. They have three adult horses, one colt and one filly. The babies are just one and two months old. They were adorable. Kent wanted to see the hors-ys time and time again but didn't want to get too close or touch them. I think he was forced one time and I'm sure he hated it. I'm sure he screamed and dug his little fingernails deeper into Jason's back.

Clark had no problem feeding them. Check out the chompers on this one?!

An old farm boy getting in touch with his roots...

We can't pass a skull and not take a picture. I'm pretty sure this buffalo didn't need a hole in his head, but he got one anyway. Then Jason started wondering where he might get a ram recreate the Skeletor staff. Of course!

Cameron loved snacking on the raspberries. I have a picture just like this from when he was just over 2 years old. Not much has changed, haha!

Poster children for Canada Dry! Cameron picked out the soda before the trip. Every trip to Canada should have some Canada Dry. I see the logic.

8 seconds...that's all they have to stay on!

The colors are so vivid out on the farm. The pictures don't do them justice. The sky is so blue and it stretches forever and ever and ever!

Hors-y, hors-y, hors-y!

This is Grandpa's brand for the farm. Cam calls it U, C, half diamond. I'm not sure what it means or how they get the brands, but I thought I should take a picture anyway - it's worth remembering.

Clark and one of the cousins, Corbin, loved hanging out together. They fed the horses quite a bit.

Hay Bales! I love hay bale pictures but the boys were having none of it. Some day they will want to play on them, but for now I get sour faces.

Corbin and Clark driving around the farm on the tractor. Such fun for two little boys!

It's almost like riding off into the sunset...

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