Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Cold Day in January

I can't believe yesterday we were playing outside without coats, and today, this...

Kent woke up crabby for his nap, so he didn't want to go outside right away. Then dad and Clark started with the snowballs and he decided it looked like too much fun!

Clark loved playing in the snow. I had to force him to stop and smile for me for a picture.

Sledding down our really teeny tiny hill on the side of the house!

Clark's awesome at snowball is down for the count! You should have heard Clark laughing!! So hilarious!

Hey...where did everybody go?

The end of the world. Or at least the end of playing in the snow...

What fun!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh man...I love husbands that go out and play - so we can stay inside and "make hot chocolate!"


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