Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Christmas Spirit

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here. And before you judge me about putting Christmas stuff up too early, think of how silly it is to have Halloween stuff up through Thanksgiving...just saying.

Love this picture of Kent...if that's not Christmas spirit, I don't know what is!

And just in case you were wondering...the Christmas huddle is back! Clark rearranged my nativity the correct way. See below. I can see his point. I'm sure everyone was huddled around the baby instead of standing around looking at the invisible fourth wall so everyone gets a lovely photo.


-michele said...

I am with Clark on this one... I always have the wise men facing the stable with their backs toward us.

-michele said...

oh... and a little judging here... it is possible to put away Halloween, and WAIT... and THEN put up Christmas! I know that sounds really weird... but it is an option that many a folk take!

Melissa said...

I've been tempted all week. Maybe it's for people who think Thanksgiving sucks. A holiday based around being GRATEFUL? Oh, come on!

Okay - i theory it's a really great holiday. Guess it just has to be done right. Christmas - I can do that right without having to depend on someone else to make it the holiday of my dreams.

My point....I'm with you!

Mom of 5 Boys said...

Ben was about 4 or 5 when he put a zebra in our manger. It seemed quite appropriate to me--I was pretty sure that if the Zebra had been anywhere near Bethlehem he would certainly have joined in. And all of my creches have the guys facing in. :)


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