A few weeks ago when Jason put on a suit to stand in the circle to bless a friend's baby, Clark looked at him and said, "like a mission!" He was so excited that his dad looked just like a missionary. Last week before church he asked to wear a tie. We only had a little one that Josh had worn for his baptism. He wore it proudly and said he was just, "like a mission." He also thinks he looks a lot like Boompa at church. I decided that he should get some new ties for church...ones that actually fit this time. He is now the proud owner of a striped tie like Daddy's and a robot tie. The robot tie wins as being the cooler of the two. Here's our future missionary...
Could he possibly be any cuter? OK, maybe I'm biased!
Oh! He really IS too cute!!! You'll have to practice knocking on doors for your next Family Home Evening :)
Nope, I don't think he could! Sweet story and pics!
SOOOOOOO Cute. No bias needed. I'm here to back you up.
...are those new couches? I adore them, AND the throw pillows.
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